
Thursday 28 August 2008

ဒီကေကာင္ေတြလညး္ လိမ္တာပါဘဲ

သတိ… ၁၂ ေဒၚလာ

ျမန္မာေတြကိုပဲ ေရြးလုပ္သည္ ဆိုေတာ့ အေတာ္ ခံျပင္း ေဒါသ ထြက္သြားသည္။ အဲဒီလို ကလိန္ကက်စ္နည္းျဖင့္ မသိနားမလည္ေသာ သူေတြဆီက ေခါင္းပံုျဖတ္ စီးပြားရွာတာေတာ့ အေတာ္ ရုပ္ဆိုးလြန္းသည္။

ျဖစ္ပံုက ဒီလိုပါ။ ကြ်န္မအိမ္မွာ တည္းျပီး အလုပ္ရွာေနသည့္ မိတ္ေဆြညီမေလး ဟိုတေန ့က အင္တာဗ်ဴးေခၚသည့္ အီးေမးလ္ ရေတာ့ အေတာ္ေပ်ာ္သြားသည္။ ပထမဆံုး အင္တာဗ်ဴးဆိုေတာ့ ေပ်ာ္ေပမေပါ့။ ခဏၾကာေတာ့ သူနဲ ့အတူ အလုပ္ရွာေနသည့္ သူ ့ေမာင္ေလးပါ ဆင္တူ အင္တာဗ်ဴးေခၚသည့္ အီးေမးလ္ ရေတာ့ နဲနဲေတာ့ သံသယ ၀င္သြားသည္။ သိပ္မေပ်ာ္ေနနဲ ့ ဒါေအးဂ်င့္ ျဖစ္ဖို ့မ်ားတယ္လို ့ သတိေပးရသည္။ ေနာက္ နာရီ၀က္ေလာက္ၾကာေတာ့ သူတို ့နွင့္ မေရွးမေႏွာင္းလာသည့္ သူငယ္ခ်င္းပါ တေနရာထဲမွ ဆင္တူ အီးေမးလ္ ရသည္ဟု ဖုန္းဆက္လာျပန္သည္။ သံသယက ပိုပို ၾကီးလာေပမယ့္ သူတို ့ စိတ္ဓါတ္မက်ေအာင္ သြားၾကည့္လိုက္ေပါ့လုိ ့ တိုက္တြန္းလိုက္ရသည္။

အိမ္က ညီမေလးက ကံဆိုးစြာ အရင္ဆံုး သြားရသည္။ သပ္သပ္ရပ္ရပ္ ၀တ္ဆင္ျပီး ေသခ်ာ ျပင္ဆင္သြားသည္။ သြားခါနီး ျမန္မာျပည္က အေမေတာင္ ဖုန္းဆက္ျပီး လွမ္းကန္ေတာ့ကာ ဆုေတာင္းေပးဖို ့ မွာလိုက္ေသးသည္။ သူ ့ခမ်ာ အေမအိုၾကီး လုပ္ေကြ်းခ်င္လို ့ ထြက္လာတာ အလုပ္ျမန္ျမန္ ရပါေစလို ့ ကိုယ္ေတာင္ ၀င္ဆုေတာင္းေပးလိုက္ ေသးသည္။

ေန ့လည္က်ေတာ့ ဖုန္းဆက္လာသည္။ တကယ့္ အင္တာဗ်ဴး မဟုတ္။ ၀န္ထမ္းဆိုလို ့ မိန္းမ ႏွစ္ေယာက္သာ ရွိသည့္ အခန္းက်ဥ္းေလး။ ေရာက္ေရာက္ခ်င္း form ျဖည့္ခိုင္းျပီး သူတိို ့ဆီမွာ အလုပ္ႏွစ္ခု ရွိေၾကာင္း ေျပာျပီး ပိုက္ဆံ ၁၂ ေဒၚလာ ေတာင္းသည္။ သူကလဲ ပထမဆံုး အေတြ ့အၾကံု အလုပ္ကလဲ လိုခ်င္ေတာ့ ပိုက္ဆံေပးခဲ့သည္တဲ့။ မွားသြားလားလို ့ေမးေတာ့ ကြ်န္မ ဘာေျပာရမွန္းမသိ။ အလုပ္လိုခ်င္သူေတြ အတြက္ ၀န္ေဆာင္ခ ယူ၍ လုပ္ေပးေသာ တရား၀င္ ၀န္ေဆာင္မွ ုလုပ္ငန္း (ေအးဂ်င့္) ေတြ ရိွေသာ္လည္း ခုလို မရိုးသား အင္တာဗ်ဴး အေယာင္ေဆာင္ျပီး ပိုက္ဆံေတာင္းတာေတာ့ ခုမွ ၾကားဖူးသည္။

လိမ္တာ ျဖစ္ဖို ့မ်ားတယ္လို ့ ေျပာလို ့မွ မဆံုးေသး၊ ခုတင္ အင္တာဗ်ဴးက ျပန္လာရုံ ရွိေသး အရင္ေန ့က အီးေမးလ္ အတိုင္း စာသား တထပ္ထဲႏွင့္ ေနာက္တၾကိမ္ ေရာက္လာျပန္သည္။ ပထမေတာ့ ဒုတိယအၾကိမ္ အင္တာဗ်ဴးေခၚသည္ အထင္နွင့္ ေပ်ာ္ေနၾကသည္။ သူ ့ေမာင္ေလး အီးေမးလ္ကို စစ္လိုက္ေတာ့ သူ ့အတိုင္း အီးေမးလ္ တခု ထပ္ရျပန္သည္။ ေလာဘတက္ျပီး ပို ့ျပီးသားလူလား၊ လာျပီးသားလူလား မသိပဲႏွင့္ အသဲအသန္ ပို ့ေနျခင္းပင္။

ေနာက္တေန ့ သူ ့ေမာင္ေလးက လိမ္တာ ေသခ်ာေအာင္ သြားေလ့လာသည္။ သူ ့အမတုန္းက လိုပဲ သူတို ့မွာ အလုပ္ ႏွစ္ေနရာ ရွိသည္ဟု လိမ္ျပန္သည္။ ေမာင္ႏွမမွန္း မသိ။ ဒီတခါေတာ့ ေကာင္ေလးက ဟန္မပ်က္ form ျဖည့္ျပီး ပိုက္ဆံ ၁၂ ေဒၚလာ ေတာင္းေသာ အခါ မပါလာေၾကာင္းေျပာျပီး မေပးခဲ့။ ဒီေတာ့ ပိုက္ဆံ မေပးရင္ သူတို ့ အလုပ္ရွာ မေပးႏို္္င္လို ့ ခပ္တင္းတင္း ျပန္ေျပာသည္တဲ့။ ေကာင္ေလးနဲ ့ အ၀င္အထြက္ လာသမွ် ျမန္မာေတြ ခ်ည္းပဲ ဆိုပဲ။

မေန ့ညက ဒီအေၾကာင္းကို အလုပ္ရွာေနသည့္ အသိအမၾကီး တေယာက္အား ေျပာျပ သတိေပးေတာ့ လြန္ခဲ့တ့ဲႏွစ္လေလာက္က သူ ့သူငယ္ခ်င္းတေယာက္လဲ အဲဒီလို ခံခဲ့ရသည္တဲ့။ company နာမည္က အတူတူ။ သတင္းစာထဲမွာ ဟုတ္တိပတ္တိ တလက္မ ပတ္လည္ေလာက္ႏွင့္ ေၾကျငာတာလဲ အတူတူ။ သူ ့တုန္းက ေဒၚလာ ၂၀ ေပးခဲ့ရသည္တဲ့။ ျမန္မာေတြကိုသာ ေရြးလိမ္သည္။ အလုပ္လဲ တကယ္ရွာမေပးပါတဲ့။

ခုတေလာ ျမန္မာျပည္က အလုပ္လာရွာ သူေတြ လွိမ့္၀င္လာေတာ့ သူတို ့လို လိမ္စားေနသူေတြ အတြက္ေတာ့ အကြက္။ တေယာက္ကို ၁၂ ေဒၚလာ။ တေန ့ အေယာက္ ၂၀ ဆို ေဒၚလာ ၂၄၀။ တလဆို ေဒၚလာ ၄၈၀၀။ အင္း… အေတာ္္ကို အၾကံပက္စက္ပါေပ့။
ေနရာက China Town ပတ္၀န္းက်င္မွာ လွည့္ပတ္ က်က္စားေနသည္။ မဟုတ္တာ လုပ္သူဆိုေတာ့ တေနရာထဲမွာ အေျခမက်ရဲ။

တကယ္လို ့ အသိေတြထဲမွာ အလုပ္ရွာေနသူမ်ား ရိွခဲ့ရင္ လက္တို ့ သတိေပးဖို ့ ဒီီpostေလးကို ေရးလိုက္ရတာပါ။ ျမန္မာေတြကို လူလည္က် စီးပြားရွာေနသူေတြ အတြက္ သင္ခန္းစာေပးဖို ့ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္နဲ ့ပါ။ အလုပ္ရွာေနေသာ ျမန္မာ အေပါင္း လိမ္ညာသူေတြနဲ ့ ကင္းေ၀းျပီး ေကာင္းမြန္ေသာအလုပ္ အျမန္ဆံုး ရၾကပါေစလို ့….။

10:30am 21-Aug-2008

အထက္ပါ အေၾကာင္းအရာမွ ေအးဂ်င့္ဆိုသူ ၏ အီးေမးလိပ္စာမွာ ျဖစ္ျပီး..လိပ္စာမွာ....

151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House.
Previously from 101A Upper Cross Street #08-07 People's Park Centre From:

၄င္းေအးဂ်င့္၏ အီးေမးေဖာ္ျပခ်က္မွာ..ေအာက္ပါအတိုင္းျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း။
Subject: RE: Application of YOUR NAME xxxx Post
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 17:25:45 +0800


Thanks for your application. In this case, can we see u for an interview onWed 5/3/08 9.30 am? Please advice.

151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House.

Direction:- Take MRT down to Chinatown station and exit from D. U can go to OG taxi stand there and walk towards the direction of some HDB at Chin Swee Road . Go straight until u can see Seng Siong ….We are just behind Seng Siong. U can ask people around there ..:)

(If u have been here or applied with us before, please do not reapply again)

Appreciate that.



(အထက္ပါ အေၾကာင္းအရာသည္...တန္ခူး ကေရးထားသည္ကို ကြ်န္ေတာ္မွ ျဖန္႔ ေဝေပးျခင္းသက္သက္မွ်သာျဖစ္သည္။)


ကၽြန္ေတာ္လည္းတတ္ႏူိင္သေလာက္ေ၀မွ်ပါတယ္၊ ဒီကေကာင္ေတြ လိမ္ရင္ ဒီအစုိးရကဘာမွ မလုပ္ဘူးလား၊ အဲဒီလုိဆုိရင္ ဒီႏုိင္ငံလည္း မၾကာခင္ပ်က္မွာဘဲ

Monday 18 August 2008

Application for Systems Administrator(My Successful Application)

Dear Sir/Madam,

 I have to read your online announce and I would like to apply the Systems Administrator for your company. I have self studying and eight years Hand On experience at IT Fields.  But, I want more real world problem to solve that. I am willingly to learn about the new technology and troubleshooting technique. So,that was a main reason here to find the job. Because,on our country the IT Playground is to small to me, I can't  go on advance any more. That is the main reason to going out here and start my new carrier life. I have to do with technical knowledge as my best. My future plan is must be sit the CCNA exam after that, I will be sit  CEH, CHFI and CISSP.I have to work out in time frame for my advance carrier life. I am always hunger in new technologies. Kindly check my resume for your consideration. I hope to sit personal interview at your office.

Thank for your time & info
Best Regards,
Nay Linn Aung (Micheal Linn)
Mobile: 94868940

My carrier history(Word Format)

I have to start IT Technician since May 1999. I am starting from the computer shop with the name of "LEO Computer System". But, I just worked there about two months. And than I am start with my friends our own training school with three computers (Pentium MMX). We are tried hard together July 1999 to October 2000. We are sharing our knowledge to our people. The name of our training school is "United Computing Group". We are closed on November 2000. Here now, I am just starting my professional carrier as Network Engineer at "Access Spectrum Company LTD." My main duties is Installing the new network cables, serves, workstations, switch and router. I am also take care user E-Mail client & Anti virus program. I have to support as Technician at "WHO South East Asia Regional Meeting". I have to work on above company from November 2000 to September 2001. I am quit from that company at the end of September 2001. I am starting new job as IT Manager on December 2001 at TKK Agency (Yangon) CO., LTD. In that company my technology know-how are well improve with high speed broad band internet access. I have to manage LAN, WAN, Windows advance 2000 server, Mail server, Antivirus Server, SQL Server and Router. I am also managing small service team with five members to support main office and branch office for maintain the workstations and server. In that time our critical data is the user mail database and documents. I am worked on that company at 3 years. I am leaving to join another type of organization. I have to join at January 2004 to the "Myanmar bird and nature society". It was the non-profit organization, so I have to support depended on projects. At that society, I have to support to update the web site, Email, Antivirus, Internet Access and Wireless Router troubleshooting and maintain on that cause some error. I want to engage more real world problems that why I have to contract some local travels & tour, ticketing and commercial sector. I have five clients to support as on site technical support. I have to go to support these companies regularly two trip per month at the end of February 2008. In that time I will also manage my own PAC (Public Access Center). But, nargis aftermath I have to shutdown all of my business and running out here for my surviving. I want more experience, real world problems & troubleshooting scales. So, I have to hunt the IT job there.

My Resume(Word Format)

Nay Linn Aung

Born on 25th December 1977, Married Myanmar (Christian).

Blk 368, Bukit Batok St 31, #09-489, 650368

Passport No. A128836 Expire on: 3-Feb-2011

Tel: 94868940 Email:

Expected Salary: S$1800 (Negotiable)

Availability: Immediate

Feb 2007 – Feb 2008 On site Technical Support (Private)


Network Installation & Troubleshooting

Router Installation

E-mail & Virus Protection.

Data Security & Recovery


E-mail Server(VPOP3)

Ticketing System(Basic)

Service Contract

Duty & Responsibility

I have to got one of my friend service company name was Service+. I have to engage by forum. They have a lot of service contract site. So, I have to engage some of those sites. In those times, I am managing my own PAC (Public Access Center). But, that shop was closed on nargis aftermath. I have to regularly to visit those sites to two trips regularly. Another, on demand call will provide in case of emergency. I have to support their Server, Workstation, Printer, Router and ADSL connection. Most of these sites are deployed ICS and Server Base. Some have ISA, AD and IIS. After my support, I have to deploy the NetGear Double Firewall Router (WGT624v3). These router is easy to setup and can stand real time routing. Most of the problem cause by electricity shortage at our mother land. Most part of the City (Yangon) time by time cut off electricity. So, I have to backup the important data, recovered the data from the corrupt hard disk, repair the workstation from the system error, reconfigure the router and check the ADSL modem properly connected with phone line. Sometime, phone lines are out of order. Sometime just the extension cable is loose connection. I have confidence to take some technical at Client-Server Networking Environment. Day by day just like as I did. I think my playground is so small to me. So, I have to hunt update my professional skill. So, I have to willing to studying, learning and implementing all the time.

Jan 2004 – Feb 2007 Myanmar Bird and Nature Society (MBNS)

IT Professional


Webmaster (Newsletter, Update Society Web Site etc...)

Maintenance & Trouble Shooting

E-mail & Virus Protection

Data Security & Recovery

Duty & Responsibility

I have deployed workstation as peer network. These two stations are share file and print. One of the powerful workstation have to used Email (Outlook Express), Scanning, Photo Editing & Publishing. The other one are normally to use publication, presentation & documentation. So, I have take care these workstation running state. At last, I have to install this site NetGear Router (WGT624v3) too. I and two executive members are prepared the monthly Newsletter, Web pages modifying & uploading. In 2 Feb of every years, we are celebrated World Wetland Day. We have to show the slogan & wallpaper of WWD, some photos, free seminar etc… Sometime, I have to backup and reinstall the OS by the cause of electricity shortage. In this society, I have done to show my integrity and serve as volunteer characters. In those times, I am hunting my onsite technical support to the others companies (Travels & Tours, Ticketing Office, Agriculture Company, Generator Company)

Dec 2001 – Jan 2004 TKK Agency (Yangon) Co., LTD

IT Manager


Network Administrator.

Maintenance & Trouble Shooting

E-mail & Virus Protection

Data Security


E-mail Server(Microsoft Exchange)

Service Contract

Duty & Responsibility

In this company, I have to manage the IT Dept as IT Manager. I have powerful four team members. We are providing as Desktop Support, Onsite Troubleshooting and Internal Office Training etc… I have to train the team to be more improving their technical skills. In this company, there is two main site are Head Office (HO) and Branch Office (BO). Those two offices are deployed the High Speed internet connection (BWLL). Sometime, I have to take control by the Microsoft Netmeeting and Remote Desktop Sharing to the remote site in case of urgency. After 2 years of my work life, our chairman deployed the Network Game Center. So, my team is working in rush hours in that time. Because, the games are playful, they are testing our game stations time by time. Our team support to repair the OS, reinstall the games and sometime need to be clean installed. We are also test playing the games as gamers. However, we have to support all our best in that time. I don’t want to be quit this job and position, but I need to survive my family. I want to start my private job. Only one those reason which I want to be quit.

Nov 2000 – Sep 2001 Access Spectrum Company LTD.

Network Engineer


Networking Environment

After Sales Service

Maintenance & Trouble Shooting

E-mail & Virus Protection

Duty & Responsibility

Here is my professional carrier life starting point. I have to regretfully, who teach me as well as to be the network engineers. His name is Ko Tin Htoo Khaing, on that time he was MCSE certificate holder and many years of real world problem troubleshooting method. On that time, I am attending my University of Distance Education (East Yangon) with the major of chemistry. But, I ever learn on the technologies. I have to assign as service tech on World Health Organization South East Asia Regional Meeting. Our master teaches us day by day as he can. I have to pay deeply attention on his lectures and questions. I have to work at there more than a year but need to attend the MCSE Training. That why I need more earning to find a new job.

July 1999 – Oct 2000 United Computing Group.


May 1999 – July 1999 LEO Computer System.


1999-2000 Chairperson of Sport committee at Kyimyindyine Baptist Church

1997-1998 Sport committee member of Kyimyindyine Baptist Church

1996-1997 Chairperson of Sport committee at Kyimyindyine Baptist Church

1995-1996 Sport committee member of Kyimyindyine Baptist Church

6-Sep-2001 Technical Support WHO South East Asia Regional Committee Meeting
(Trader Hotel)

Technical Support WHO South East Asia Regional Committee Meeting
(Trader Hotel) Technical Support WHO South East Asia Meeting
(Sedona Hotel)

Internal Office Training for Employee
(E.g. Microsoft Office, Email & Internet, Basic Networking)

Aug 1995 Certificate for high school

Oct 2003 University of Distance Education (East Yangon)

Graduate (B.Sc Chemistry)

Oct 1998 –April 1999 Myanmar Computer Company LTD.(Recommendation)

Info-Tech Level (III)


(1) Oracle Database.

(2) Visual C++ Programming.

(3) Software Engineering

(4) Window’s NT

Jan 1998 – June 1998 Myanmar Computer Company LTD.

Info-Tech Level (II)


• C++ Programming.

• Database Programming (Fox Pro)

• Information System.

• System Analysis & Design Technique

• Networking Technology

• Microsoft Word

• Microsoft Excel

• Adobe PageMaker

Sep 1997 – Dec 1997 Myanmar Computer Company LTD.

Info-Tech Level (I)


• Introduction to Computer Science

• Programming Technique


• Microsoft Word

• Microsoft Excel


Skill Name Experience (year) Status

Hardware & Software Installation

Stand Alone 7+ still applying

Workstation 5+ still applying

System Analysis & Trouble Shooting

Router Configuration 5+ still applying

Mail Server (Microsoft Exchange) 3+ still applying

Network Installation 5+ still applying

Network Security & Administration 5+ still applying

Data Security & Recovery 5+ still applying

PC Related Equipments (GIS, PDA, Projector etc…) 5+ still applying

ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) 5+ still applying

ISA (Internet Security & Acceleration Server) 5+ still applying

NAT (Network Address Translation) 5+ still applying

Instant Messenger 3+ still applying

Operating System(OS)

Windows 2003 Enterprise Server still applying

Windows 2000 Advanced Server still applying

Windows NT still applying

Windows Vista still applying

Windows XP Professional still applying

Windows 2000 Professional still applying

Windows 98 still applying

Windows 95 still applying

Windows 3.11 still applying

Net Tools

Team Viewer 2+ still applying

Cain Able 3+ still applying Remote Desktop 5+ still applying NetMeeting 5+ still applying


Oracle 3+ 9 years ago

Microsoft Access 5+ still applying

My SQL 2+ still applying

Programming Language

Basic 3+ 10 years ago

Pascal 3+ 10 years ago

C++ 3+ 10 years ago

FoxPro 3+ 10 years ago

Visual C++/ Basic 3+ 9 years ago


Microsoft Visio 7+ still applying

Photoshop 5+ still applying

Flash 3+ still applying


English Written: Good Spoken: Good

Friday 1 August 2008

Starting Tips for your Job Hunting !



                Passport အဆင္သင့္႐ွိ သူမ်ားဆုိ ပုိအဆင္ေျပပါတယ္၊ မင္းတုိ႔ အရင္ဆုံးလုပ္ရမွာက Sponsor Letter အတြက္ အဆင္ေျပမယ္ ထင္တဲ့သူငယ္ခ်င္းဆီကုိ လွမ္းၿပီး အကူအညီေတာင္းပါ၊ Sponsor Letter ရၿပီဆုိရင္ေတာ့ Visa ကိုျမန္ျမန္သာေလွ်ာက္ေပေတာ့၊ ေနာက္ၿပီးေတာ့ ရန္ကုန္ကေန ထြက္မလာခင္မွာ အိမ္ခန္းကိစၥကုိ ေသခ်ာေအာင္ စီစဥ္ဖုိ႔လုိပါတယ္၊ ႏုိင္ငံျခားတုိင္းျပည္ေတြမွာက ေနစရိတ္၊ စားစရိတ္က အရမ္းျမင့္လြန္းေတာ့ အဲဒီကိစၥ ေသခ်ာဖုိ႔ အေရးႀကီးပါတယ္။ ေလယာဥ္လက္မွတ္ကုိလည္း ပုိပုိ လုိလုိ တစ္ႏွစ္ေလာက္ Open လုပ္လာခဲ့ရင္ေတာ့ စိတ္ခ်လက္လာလုိ႔ရၿပီေပါ့။
                ေရာက္ေရာက္ခ်င္း ဆုိသလုိေတြ႔ရမွာေတာ့ Immigration Check Point ပါဘဲ အဲဒီမွာသတိ့ထား ရမွာကေတာ့ လူတန္းရွည္ေနရင္ အဆင္ေျပမယ္ထင္တဲ့ counter ကုိသြားတန္းစီလုိ႔ရပါတယ္။ ေလယာဥ္ေပၚမွာ White Card ျဖည့္ဖုိ႔ေမ့လာခဲ့ရင္ေတာ့ Check in counter မေရာက္ခင္ ဘယ္ဘက္အျခမ္းမွာ White Card ေတြကုိျဖည့္ဖုိ႔အတြက္ထားေပးထားပါတယ္၊ ျဖည့္ၿပီးတာနဲ႔ Ticket, Passport & White Card သုံးခုစလုံးကုိ လက္ထဲမွာကုိင္ထားၿပီး တန္းစီေစာင့္ေန႐ုံပါဘဲ၊ Officer ကေမးတာမွန္သမွ်ကုိ ေအးေအးေဆးေဆး တည္တည္ၿငိမ္နဲ႔သာ ေျဖပါ ဘာျပႆနာမွ မရွိပါဘူး၊ Office ကအ၀င္တုန္းထုေပးၿပီး White Card အပုိင္းေလး ျပန္ေပးလိမ့္မယ္ အဲဒါကုိေတာ့ ေသေသခ်ာခ်ာ သိမ္းေပေတာ့၊ အလုပ္ရလုိ႔ Work Pass တစ္ခုခုတင္ရင္ အဲဒီ White Card ကအေရးႀကီးပါတယ္ အဲဒါေၾကာင့္ပါ။

                ေလဆိပ္ကေနထြက္တာနဲ႔ သူငယ္ခ်င္းတုိ႔ကုိ MRT ဆုိတဲ့ငနဲကေစာင့္ႀကဳိေနမွာပါ၊ စစခ်င္း MRT ေပၚေရာက္ရင္ေတာ့ျဖင့္ သိပ္ၿပီးေနသာက်မွာ မဟုတ္ေသးဘူး၊ ကၽြန္ေတာ္ကုိယ္တုိင္လည္း ေတာ္ေတာ္ေလး ရြာလည္းခဲ့ပါတယ္။ MRT စီဖုိ႔အတြက္ E-Zlink ကဒ္လုိပါတယ္၊ Adult အတြက္ဆုိရင္ SGD $15 ေပးရပါတယ္၊ ေနာက္ထပ္ Topup ကေတာ့ အနည္းဆုံး SGD 10$ လုပ္ရပါတယ္။


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